Vision, Mission, and Goals


Thanks to the Merchan NAvy

To create one of the most ambitious endeavors to recognize unsung heroes and heroines of Allied war history by 2020.

Our aim is to ensure:

  • dedication to bringing the sacrifices of the Allied Merchant Navy and American Merchant Marine Veterans to the forefront of the Canadian, American, and international cultural identities;
  • that the  Allied Merchant Navy and American Merchant Marine stories of valiance are fused with the courageous streams of accomplishments of their military and civilian counterparts;
  • that we recognize that the MNCTP mandate can only be achieved by linking to broader themes, within Canada, the United States of America, and overseas, that share common goals and strategic objectives.

Through the MNCTP, Canadians and Americans from sea-to-sea, and members of the international community will have another reason to appreciate the lives lost in naval combat, during the Great Wars of the twentieth century and beyond.

The MNCTP will mirror these actions by shedding light on areas of Canadian, American, and Allied War history that were previously overlooked.


Honour our Veterans of the Allied Merchant Navy and American Merchant Marine, recognize their sacrifices and contributions to our freedom, and safeguard its historical integration into the national and international mosaics of heritage and culture.


  • To effectively and efficiently bring to the Canadian, American, and international forefronts the roles of the  Allied Merchant Navy and American Merchant Marine as the mainstay of the Allied Forces victory in both World War I and World War II, and the Korean and Vietnam Wars.
  • To ensure appropriate inclusion of the Allied Merchant Navy and American Merchant Marine events into the annals of history, both within our shores and worldwide, from the twentieth century to its historical beginnings.
  • To successfully organize commemorative themes and special events, and develop products and services, that accurately promotes the history of the  AlliedMerchant Navy and American Merchant Marine within an integrated national and international framework.
  • To expand our stakeholder base and identify mutually beneficial opportunities for developing partnerships within Canada, the United States of America, and abroad.